The Incarnation: Why I Love It

The incarnation of Jesus is something humans can not wrap their minds around. As hard as you try. How could Jesus be fully God and fully man? But think about it, would you want it any other way? Here is why I love the incarnation and its mind bogglingness.

1. Jesus was fully God.
If Jesus was NOT fully God how could I trust HIm? How could I believe Him? Humans die and fail and there has never been a human in my life who has not sinned or failed. How could I trust in a God who was part human. Jesus has to be fully God. Because He was fully God, He never sinned and He had a perfect life. Because He was a perfect man, He was able to be our perfect sacrifice. Think about this, if Jesus was NOT fully God and He had sinned even just a little, He would not have been able to be our perfect sacrifice. And we would have lived in our sin and death forever. One more point: I could/would not believe in a God who I can fathom. I don’t want God to be able to be achieved in my thoughts. Because Jesus was not just fully human but fully God I can not fathom Him. He is better/above anything I can imagine. I am sooooooo glad that Jesus was fully God.

2. Jesus was fully man.
Just as Jesus had to be perfect (fully God) to be able to die for us, He also had to be perfectly human to be able to die for us. God can’t die. God is holy and He can’t look on sin. However, since Jesus was fully human also, He could come to us in our sin and live with us and then die as our perfect sacrifice. I love imagining how Jesus came down to us. He was fully human and He could relate to us in our lives. He came not to be served but to serve. I love how Jesus was fully human.

Let me know your thoughts.
