#19 and #20- Did the Dishes without Anyone Telling Me and Listened to the Holy Spirit’s Voice

So sorry I have not written in like forever. Yes, you guessed it. More computer trouble. 🙂 Anyway I have not really been doing a hard thing every day, it is harder than it seems. I hope to be getting a bit more on track in the future. Yesterday my mom and sister were gone. I was at home with the task of making dinner. Everything was going well until I saw the stack of dishes. Note: we do our dishes by hand. Here was what the conversation between me and the Holy Spirit was like when I saw them.

Me: wow those are alot of dishes.
HS: yes, you should do them.
Me: I’m not even on dish duty tonight. That’s Celia and Jace’s job tonight. Why bother?
HS: aren’t you doing a hard thing challenge? This would be a hard thing.
Me: yeah. I forgot about that. I’ll prepare the dih water for them and bless them in that way. Note: to hand wash the dishes you need very hot water and our sink takes forever to get hot water.
HS: hard things is about going above and beyond. You should actually do the dishes.
Me: okay…..man, these dry dishes are really in the way.
HS: are you thinking what I am thinking?
Me: yes, yes, I know. I should probably put them away.
After doing the dishes, drying the dishes and preparing dish water for the dinner dishes I felt so relieved that I had decided to do the hard thing. It made my heart sing when my sister said, “thanks Priscilla for doing the dishes. It was such a blessing not to have it take so long.” Don’t wrestle with Angels like Jacob, just listen to what God has for you and do it.
