#16- Started Taking More Responsibility in 4H

So for all who don’t know, our family is active in 4H. We have been involved in 4H for about 5 years. Our family has participated in our club activities (of course), presentations, NC 4H Congress and other county activities. Recently I have started taking more responsibilities:

1. County Council

Our county has recently started doing a County Council. The County Council plans county activities and fundraisers and does things like that. I decided that this is something I would like to participate in. I went to the first meeting and got elected to the Secretary/Reporter office (there are actually only 3 of us on the County Council). We discussed ways to unite the different clubs and recruit new 4Hers.

2. Club President

This year, I ran for president of our club. This was kind of a bigger step for me because it will challenge me to stand up in front of people and lead the meetings. Not my favorite thing to do but thankfully after doing presentations I am a lot better at getting up and talking to people.

3. Planning Activities

I also wanted to help our 4H leader plan program ideas for this upcoming year. I came up with a couple different ideas that I sent her.

4. Operation Christmas Child

This one, I am very excited about. I am going to be presenting Operation Christmas Child to our club and making boxes etc. available for people to make their own shoeboxes. I hope to get at least 15 boxes from our club. I love Operation Christmas Child and what they do, so I am so excited to be able to promote this to my 4H club.

I am so excited to be able to take a couple bigger roles in 4H! And take some more responsibilities too! Lots of thanks to my 4H leader and 4H agent for helping me with all this!


#15- Accepted a challenge for youth group

Sorry I haven’t written for a while! Life is busy :b Anyway for my hard thing….. Our next meeting, our youth group will be talking about gossip and sins of the mouth. My youth pastor sent out some verses to look over beforehand. I accepted the challenge to look them over. Over the past week I have been reading and then summarizing what I learned in each verse so I can think and ponder over the verses throughout the day. I am very grateful for having a youth group that challenges me, teaches me and guides me in the ways of God. In the past we have been challenged to read the whole New Testament and then later on read the whole Bible. (I am still working on that…I hope to finish in December which would mean that I did it in about a year 🙂 ) Thank you God for giving me such a great youth group!
