Whats Your Movie Style?

We all have one. What makes a movie a good movie to you? Here is some of my family’s movie styles.

Dad- Historical adventures
Mom- Makes you laugh and cry
Jace- Historical/Strong Characters
Priscilla- Intriguing plots, endearing characters, high adventure and a little bit of drama and emotion.
Celia- Humor, cuteness and innocentness.
William- Humor, action and more humor.

Now match the family member to thier favorite movie according to what you know about thier movie style. (My dad is not included in this because he doesn’t have a “favorite” movie)

a. Lord of the Rings
b. Facing the Giants
c. Night at the Museum
d. Amazing Grace
e. Mary Poppins

a. Priscilla
b. Mom
c. William
d. Jace
e. Celia

What is your movie style? Enjoy!
