Keeping Words of Beauty Beautiful

In this day and age, people use words of beauty flippantly. Lightly. Nonchalantly.

What is a word of beauty?
Words of beauty for me are descriptive words that show your love and pleasure for something. Words like beautiful, pretty, amazing, awesome, wonderful, good and great.

Today though people use these words all the time. We exchange words of beauty for slang terms and make beauty something cheap.

Now we introduce words like ‘hot’ to refer to beauty.

Now I can’t say “I’m so hot!” (hot- weather wise 🙂 )without being misunderstood.

Now people use words like awesome and amazing to refer to things that really aren’t.

We always grew up reserving the word ‘awesome’ for referring to God and the phrase “Only God is awesome” could be heard whenever we used it another way. Our family jokes about our little brother, when having a woman over she used the word ‘awesome’ in another context and young William corrected her “Only God is awesome!”

The story was funny but I can’t help but look deeper and say ‘where did that respect for words go?’

How many of us automatically respond with ‘good’ when asked how we are doing? I too am guilty of this. It is grammatically incorrect for one thing and it is an automatic response that doesn’t show sincerity of heart in our answer.

Lets save words of beauty for the things that truly are beautiful!