#3- Apologized

It was late, I was tired, but it was still no reason to snap at my sister. While lying in bed I thought, “the easy thing would be to go to sleep right now, but I’m taking a hard thing challenge, so…” I did the hard thing, I apologized. Apologizing can be hard. Who wants to admit that they are wrong and shamefacedly go back to confess to the victim of their sin . I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Sweet words. They show humility, not pride. Apologies are precious.


P.S. My sister and I have a habit of after we apologize we have a pillow fight. I don’t know why. Maybe it just helps us get out any last emotions that we have. (not really) We always leave the room laughing and best buddies again. 🙂

Genevieve Saves Paris: Teen Does Hard Thing

While reading about Attila the Hun I came across this story of a teenage nun and thought it would be inspirational for all of y’all…

“As Attila and his army approached Paris, at that time a small fortified town on an island in the Seine River, the inhabitants panicked in the knowledge that many cities had already been destroyed by the Huns. Many residents had gone to church to pray for protection. Among them was a teenage nun named Genevieve who from the age of seven had dedicated herself to a life of faith and good deeds. Standing before the congregation of frightened Parisians, Genevieve offered to go alone or as the leader of a group of young women to confront Attila. She also prophesied that the town would be spared for destruction. After rallying the Parisians, Genevieve met with Attila at the walls of the town, and according to the legend, she convinced him to spare the city. The story of her brave act spread and became a symbol of courage for those who resisted the Huns. Genevieve was later named a saint by the Catholic Church and today is the patron saint of Paris.”

cited from “Heroes and Villains: Attila the Hun” by Marilyn Tower Oliver

Cool story of a teenage girl doing a very brave thing and putting her life in danger to save the town and church where she lived.
