#18- Spoke on Microphone at Abortion Clinic

So..at the abortion clinic last week I spoke on the microphone for the first time. The mamas inside can hear whatever is said on the microphone. Recently, my sister and I wrote letters to the unborn, my mom encouraged us to share them at the clinic the next time we went. I will admit that I was a bit nervous to get on that microphone. But after asking the Lord for boldness and thinking about how what I was sharing could impact those inside, my fear left me. I was so blessed to be able to share God’s love to the mothers inside. Lord, let your will and not mine be done. Thank you.


Faith is…???

What is faith? Recently in school I have been doing a word study on the word. I studied the word in the book of Galatians and a Bible dictionary. Here is what I found:

(the book of Galatians)

Faith is…

-how we are justified (Gal. 2:16a,3:11)
-how we live in Christ (Gal. 2:20, 3:11)
-how we are the sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:7)
-a gift (Gal. 3:25-26)
-how we are sons of God (Gal. 3:25-26)

I want to encourage you to look up the verses too. 🙂

(the Bible dictionary)

Faith is…

-a confident will toward God
-genuine saving faith is a personal attachment to Christ
-reliance on Christ and commitment to him
-saving faith involves personally depending on the finished work of Christ
-personal commitment of one’s life to follow ghrist
-teachings of the Bible
-true faith is confidence in God or Christ, not in oneself

Let us rejoice at these great truths!


#2- Fought for babies lives at abortion clinic

Recently my brother and mom have been going out to an abortion clinic to be sidewalk counselors to women who are going to have abortions. Me and my younger brother and sister went once to watch and today I went out again with my family. It is a sad and eye opening experience but I enjoy being able to participate in a spiritual battle over life and death. Every mother who walked into that clinic represented a death of a baby, a baby who is precious in the eyes of God. Today my hard thing is fighting for babies who have no voice. They want to yell, “Don’t kill me Mama!” They can’t. But we can. I can. We all can speak up for these babies. It can be hard to stand up for something so controversial, but hey isn’t that why it is on my 100 Hard Things list?


“Justice to the fatherless, defend the afflicted, rescue the weak, deliver the needy.”
Psalm 82:3-4

#1- Accepted the 100 Hard Things Challenge

Hey all,
Today I accepted the 100 Hard Things Challenge. This is a challenge to do 100 hard things that put you out of your comfort zone in 3 months. About 1 hard thing a day. This hard thing can be super simple like doing the dishes or super big like raising money to stop world hunger. The challenge is based off of the book “Do Hard Things”.
“Do Hard Things” is a book by Alex and Brett Harris that encourages teens to do hard things and break the myth of adolescence. You can read their book or their blog (therebelution.com). Both are really good. 🙂 For more info on the 100 Hard Things challenge click the link below:


Each day I will post my hard thing on this blog, so keep checking!!! If you want to do the challenge, I encourage you to just go for it!


1 Timothy 4:12



Lukewarm. Sounds like a word that describes that plate of mashed potatoes from yesterday night. (That isn’t actually the best illustration… mashed potatoes go pretty quick in our house 🙂 But you get the point. The warmed up plate, not the hot and fresh plate. Mediocre. The just OK. Not great but yet not terrible. The fire is not out, nor is it blazing, just simmering. My question is are you lukewarm? I think Christians, especially in the USA can fall it the trap of being a Christian, not a Christ-ian. Little do we think of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are dying, being persecuted and imprisoned for Christ in countries far away to us. Too often our world is made up of the 30 miles around our houses. Too often our “fire” dies down. We read books with titles like ‘Radical’ and ‘Do Hard Things’ and we get all pumped up and ready to go and our fire blazes for a while like someone dumped some gasoline on it and…then…we….die…….down. We go to church and put Jesus stickers on the back of our car and call ourselves good. Christians, let us not grow lukewarm and mediocre, let us look at examples like Peter, Paul and Stephen who lived, breathed, ate, drank, and even died for Christ. In King and Country’s new song “Fix my Eyes” the chorus says:

I’d love like I’m not scared
Give when it’s not fair
Live life for another
Take time for a brother
Fight for the weak ones
Speak out for freedom
Find faith in the battle
Stand tall but above it all
Fix my eyes on you

Let this be our prayer. And like the Sovereign Grace song “As Long As I Have Breath” sings, let us praise God as long as we have breath. We have as Christians in the USA a special chance, we don’t live in total poverty like South America and Africa so we have materials to help others. We have time, 24 hrs a day to serve and proclaim. And, we have freedom to be Christians, to go to a church, to vote for Christian leaders. We are living on a battle field, we need to pick up our weapons and start fighting. Let us not be lukewarm but let us live wholly for Jesus.