Journal Entries- Mission Trip to Mexico- Day 4

On this day it was pretty normal. Get up, have devotions and breakfast and then get to work! The whole morning I worked hard staining the eaves, we had fun while we did it, lots of laughing and joking and enjoying others company. And then lunch and siesta.

After siesta, Mikayla (my amazing game partner for the day) and I set up for games. Daniel, the son of Rancho3M’s director, helped us with Spanish translation that day and we had a lot of fun.

I played soccer with the kids until it was time for dinner. After dinner I was playing some more soccer with the kids (I was goalie) until an event that I will never forget happened. So on my last post I told you about how the staff guys shoo the kids off the field and play their own rough game in the evenings. Well, tonight I somehow got myself into that game! They made teams, (I was still standing in the goal) and they asked me if I wanted to play as their goalie. I said “Sure” and prepared for battle.

I felt bad whenever I let a goal in but when I made a save, I had a cheerleader squad to celebrate for me. Yes, all the older girls were watching and cheering me on.

This game actually gave me lots of opportunities even better than just playing with the big guys (…. an honor :)). I formed friendships with people I would not have thought of being my friends. Senor Carlos, a guy on my team would always say “Hola Priscilla! Como estas?” when he saw me and I got to know him more.

And the older girls, in the past they have not been the ones I click with naturally but after going over and thanking them for cheering me on, they became instant friends. Lluvia (one of the girls) always flashes me the most adorable smile when she sees me and well, Aline and Yesenia are some of my besties. 🙂

After soccer, I played basketball with some of the older girls and teens on the trip. Then we looked at the stars. Beautiful. Renee, a young lady who has been at the Ranch for 2 years, took me and Sarah (girl from our team) up this sand dune type thing and pointed out the cities around Guadelupe. Again, beautiful.

Then I went to bed. Boy, do I love Mexico.
