#2- Fought for babies lives at abortion clinic

Recently my brother and mom have been going out to an abortion clinic to be sidewalk counselors to women who are going to have abortions. Me and my younger brother and sister went once to watch and today I went out again with my family. It is a sad and eye opening experience but I enjoy being able to participate in a spiritual battle over life and death. Every mother who walked into that clinic represented a death of a baby, a baby who is precious in the eyes of God. Today my hard thing is fighting for babies who have no voice. They want to yell, “Don’t kill me Mama!” They can’t. But we can. I can. We all can speak up for these babies. It can be hard to stand up for something so controversial, but hey isn’t that why it is on my 100 Hard Things list?


“Justice to the fatherless, defend the afflicted, rescue the weak, deliver the needy.”
Psalm 82:3-4