#32- Took Care of the Household

My mom went on a road trip with a friend for two days, so me and my sister stepped up to the plate and became “Mom” for a couple days. 🙂

We cleaned dishes, did laundry, cooked meals (no catastrophes!), cleaned up messes, (NOT a result of our cooking), did school with William, and fulfilled all the other tasks that Mom would have done. Not only did I gain an appreciation for what my Mom does, I also learned about running a household. Our parents want us girls to be able to successfully run a household by the time we leave this household. Things like this are a step toward that goal. What goals do you have for when you leave your parents household??? When we do leave we want to be prepared and not just living by trial and error. We are arrows that are shot out into the world after we have learned from our parents.

Thank you!

#22- Began An Auto Upkeep Book

So if you hang out at the Bower’s, you may see that our schooling takes initiative and self control. Our parents philosophy is “teach them to learn, and let em’ learn!” If there is a certain subject we want to study, we find books and study on that topic. We have oodles of books in our house and sometimes browsing our shelves can start the pursuit of a new project or skill or subject to learn about. Our parents have also really wanted us to know about auto upkeep and how to be able to do basic auto work. I am good with my hands and after finding a book in our shelves I started working on it. This was hard because the first chapter (vehicle identification and the history of cars) seemed boring and the book sat on my school shelf for a while before I picked it up and started doing it. It turned out to be great. There’s a reason God gave you a brain. To learn about Him, the things He has made and enjoy it! Once you grasp the idea that any kind of learning is learning about God (math, science, history etc.) you are on the right track and you have true brain power!


#17- Patience with William

So sorry I have not been writing! Our internet was down and then we had blog problems…

Anyway, my hard thing from Friday was just having patience with my little brother William. Now William is a great kid but when it is 11:00 at night and you have just returned from a fun but exhausting day at your friends house where you play games like hide and seek tag in the dark with flashlights and do things like army crawl through wet grass to try and make your way to base without being seen, while teamed up with 6 year old William who scraped his leg and is now moaning in pain, he can try your patience. No actually William did a great job being teamed up with me. We piggybacked through the woods, army crawled through the grass, all in pitch black darkness and he was a very brave trooper. (The things some sisters do with you..:) ) But on the 45 minute drive home at 11:00 at night… well…

The Lord gives me grace to have patience with my younger siblings. It can be hard, but hey isn’t that why it is on the do hard things list?


#15- Accepted a challenge for youth group

Sorry I haven’t written for a while! Life is busy :b Anyway for my hard thing….. Our next meeting, our youth group will be talking about gossip and sins of the mouth. My youth pastor sent out some verses to look over beforehand. I accepted the challenge to look them over. Over the past week I have been reading and then summarizing what I learned in each verse so I can think and ponder over the verses throughout the day. I am very grateful for having a youth group that challenges me, teaches me and guides me in the ways of God. In the past we have been challenged to read the whole New Testament and then later on read the whole Bible. (I am still working on that…I hope to finish in December which would mean that I did it in about a year 🙂 ) Thank you God for giving me such a great youth group!


#12- Started Teaching Geography to my Siblings

I took some initiative and asked my mom if while she and my brother Jace are at the abortion clinic on Thursday mornings, I could give my younger siblings their geography lesson. We are learning about Africa and we had a great first lesson today. We learned about African animals, African language and the country of South Africa. We read books, watched some videos and listened to some audio stuff. We had a lot of fun! If you are an older sibling you have wonderful opportunity to help with younger siblings and teach and spend time with them. At least once a week I am home with a younger sibling while my mom is usually taking my older brother somewhere. Although I do miss having my mom there it is nice to be able to spend time with my siblings. Siblings use this time wisely! Too much time now siblings are looked it as noisy, annoying and not friends. How backwards is that! I have great relationships with them and I am with them a lot. In fact this week I stayed home by myself for the first time in a while. It was weird (but also a little nice..). The point is your siblings can be very good friends. Make them your friends!
