A Sailor Diddy

Here is a sailor “diddy” that I made up. Enjoy…. and you can laugh if you want. 🙂

The sun is shining as I sing this song.
The sky is smiling as I ride along.
God is with me though the days are long.
The waves are still, though the wind is strong.
The waves are still, though the wind is strong!

When God is with me, I won’t despair.
With Jesus by me I have no doubt or care.
I am smiling as I sing this prayer.
Because the winds are strong but the waves are fair.
The winds are strong but the waves are fair!

So if you ever in an ocean, remember that though the winds are strong, with Jesus, the waves are still!

Based on Matthew 8:23-27

Book Review- Titus: Comrade of the Cross

First of all some background on this book, Titus: Comrade of the Cross by Florence Morse Kingsley. This is a Lamplighter book, which means it is an ooold book and was re-published by Lamplighter publishing. Check out their books…. they re-publish old gems. 🙂

This book had been sitting on the shelf in our home and I finally picked it up and started reading it. What a treat! It kept me reading waaay past my bedtime a few nights and was a gripping page-turner, it was written beautifully and contained some awesome lessons.

Rating: ***** 5 out of 5 stars!
Age to read: It would make a good family read aloud or read on your own as a pre-teen or teen.
Would I recommend? Yes, yes, yes!!!

The overall gist- The life of Jesus through the eyes of Titus and Stephen (mostly). Titus was stolen as a boy from Caiaphas and grew up as the son of a drunk, Greek man. Stephen is Titus’s brother (son of the Greek) and is a cripple. This book gave a new look on that old story. When reading this I noticed lots of Scripture throughout so it is very intune with what the Bible says in the Gospels. An amazing account of Jesus’s life. I was impressed.

(This next paragraph will have spoilers so read only if you want to!) There were lots of twists in the plot. Like I said above it was very intune with the Bible but it had a story all of its own. It gave a great glimpse into Jesus working miracles and the heart behind those who were healed like Stephen (the cripple) who crawled to the city to plead for the life of his little friend and then Jesus heals him! You will see the characters show up in places in the story of Jesus like Damachus (the Greek dad) is the one who wants to make Jesus king after he feeds the five thousand. And Titus and Damachus are the ones who are hung on the cross on either side of Jesus. (Titus goes with Him to paradise).

(the spoilers are over) Lots of excitement. It really made the story of Jesus’s life come alive. Gripping, beautiful and well written!

Hope you enjoy!
Priscilla 📚

Do I Trust?

It is easy for us to say “Yeah, I trust God.” when everything is going well.

Its easy for us to trust Him in the good times.

But trust is something that hits us hard when we hit a rough spot.

For me right now that trust is: Do I trust God when we are moving?

Do I trust God when our house is closing in less than three weeks and we don’t know where we are going?

Do I trust God with my tomorrow…. wherever tomorrow is?

Maybe for you its asking: Do I trust God when my loved one dies? Or my baby is miscarried? Or my job is lost? Or my child turns from the faith?

Do you trust God when worry, anxiety and doubt cloud over your mind?

Sometimes trusting God seems so hard. We like to know what will happen, where we are going and what our future will look like.

Trusting God is hard. Really hard.

Thankfully God is so great and His word is full of promises when we are doubting. Here are a few.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in Him, turn to Him and forget about solving your problems, leave it to Him, HE will direct your paths.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act.”
Psalm 37:5

He will act! What a promise.

“Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Matthew 6:34

Read the whole passage of Matthew 6:25-34 to see how he clothes the lilies and feeds the birds. 😉

And a personal favorite of mine….

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will gaurd your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Phillipians 4:6-7

Let Christ know your worries and the peace of God which is better than any knowledge (where you will go, what you will do, etc.) will flood our hearts and minds.

So I don’t know where you are right now in life but if you have an area where you are anxious and worried and maybe struggling with trusting God, read His promises and just give Him everything. He will uphold you and strengthen you.

Keep on trusting!

P.S. Oh and scripture is riddled with more promises like the ones above so get your Bible out and find them!

Every Scar A Story


Lots of people have them. I have two or three myself.

Scars tell stories and young boys especailly love to tell the stories related to thier scars.

All the accidents, risks and daring episodes that make those scars are great stories.

I have two scars from stichs I got when I was three. My aunt was whizzing us around on a merry-go-round and daring lil’ Priscilla decided to go no hands and I flew off, breaking my arm.

I relish telling the story including all the ice cream, balloons and goodies that came with an emergency room visit.

Oh and the story about how I sang “When I Am Afraid I Will Trust In You” by Steve Green right before my surgery is a good one.

I have another scar on my wrist that I got when a dog scratched me because I wasn’t petting him enough. 🙂

Whether it be a bicycle accident, broken arm, or running into a brick wall every scar has a story, a unique, fun-to-brag-on kind of story.

The greatest scars of all are the ones Jesus has though. Now thats a story.

God (the God who created heaven and earth and everything else..yep that God) sent His only son down to earth because after Adam sinned we all lived in sin and were not worthy of eternal life with Him.

So this son incarnated and became a human, was brougt into the world through a young teen virgin, Mary and grew up as a poor carpenters son.

He then calls petty fishermen to be His disciples teaching them about the kingdom of God and proclaiming Himself as the son of God. He worked miracles and was absolutely perfect!

Well, the Pharisees didn’t like that one bit so they plotted to destroy Him and they finally got their chance after the Passover thanks to Judas Iscariot- one of Jesus’ disciples who betrayed Him.

Jesus was unfairly accused (remember He is perfect), beaten, mocked and scorned. Pontius Pilate was scared of the people even though he thought Jesus was innocent so he delivered him to be crucified.

The Son of God crucified? How could this happen? Well actually, His death was the reason Christ came into the world. He paid the perfect sacrifice so that now we can be called children of God if we trust in His perfect name.

Wow, thats a story. And Jesus got some scars to prove it.

He had scars from the nails pierced in His hands.

He had scars in His side from when the soldiers stabbed Him to make sure He was dead.

Best. Story. Ever. Oh.. and its real.

But it doesn’t end there.

Jesus was placed in a grave and three days later some women came to put incense on his body. Surprise, surprise, he wasn’t there.

Jesus had risen from the dead, defeating death forever.

But not all the disciples believed when Mary Magdalene, the young witness told the story.

Thomas- one of the disciples- didn’t believe it. He said….

” Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”

John 20:25b

Then Jesus showed up.

He told Thomas this:

“Put your finger here, and see my hands, and put out your hand and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve but believe.”

John 20:27

Those scars saved the world.

Those scars saved you.

Those scars saved me.

All of a sudden my epic-fly-off-the-merry-go-round scars don’t seem so cool anymore.

“He himself bore our sins on his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”

1 Peter 3:24

So next time you start boasting about your scrapes, bumps and scars remember His scars.

Boast in his scars….. because they saved the world.

Thanks be to the scars of Christ,

Army Training- 1 Timothy 6:11-16

Here is a verse to strengthen and encourage you as you fight your good fight of faith.

“But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the prescence of many witnesses. I charge you in the prescence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, to keep the commandment unstained and and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he will display at the proper time- he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.”

1 Timothy 6:11-16

I hope this verse encouraged you to pursue godliness, fight your fight of faith and trust and worship your King of kings and Lord of lords.

Keep fighting!
