#29- Did the Right Thing

We don’t have a computer. So any copies or prints we need to make we do at the library for 10 cents. A dime. Not much.

So on one unsuspecting evening, we went to the library. I had a copy to make as did my mom. We both went over to the copy machine and I dropped a quarter in to the machine. I made the copy without a problem.

The copy machine now owed me 15 cents. So I go to get my change. To my surprise instead of 15 cents, about $5 worth of quarters spilled out. I carefully pulled it out of the change slot. I rummaged through the quarters until I found 15 cents. Carefully, I took the 15 cents and slowly walked over to the librarians desk and gave them the rest of the money.

Boy, does it feel good to do the right thing! I pray for oppurtunities to share Jesus, love on others and do the right thing. What do you think? Was this an answer to prayer? Lord, thank you for testing our character!


#28- Started Working on a Godly Characteristic Each Week

So, if you read my post below you probably noticed it was about love, which is a fruit of the spirit. What you probably didn’t know was that I have started taking Godly characteristics, memorized verses about them and tried to grow in that characteristic each week as a hard thing. I am going through the fruit of the spirit first and then will move on to others.
Want to try doing this too? Its easy!

1. Have a heart for God that wants to grow.
2. Ask Him to help you grow.
3. Grow!

With God all things are possible, even growing in an area that you have battled with all your life.


#27- Made New Years Resolutions

Ever made New Years Resolutions? Yes. Ever kept them? Nope. Well, I don’t usally make resolutions and all that but this year I did a hard thing and made some. Jace, my older brother acutally served as an example to me. He made a very nice list of goals and he never makes goals normally! So if you would like to look at my list please go down to my last post titled “Living the List” Did you make resolutions? Do you intend to keep them? Do you see areas that need personal growth this next year? What does the Bible say about making New Years Resolutions? Hard questions right? Well, I am learning that there is never a stand still in Christian life. Our goal is to always strive to be closer to God and grow in Him. Sometimes we can feel like we are not growing but just like a seed that is planted we are growing. Sometimes the growing just happens deep in the soil or deep in our heart. With a little sun and a little water and a lot of love from God he helps us sprout, then grow and finally start producing fruits. Fruits for His kingdom. Anyway about the question, “What does the Bible say on New Years Resolutions?” here is a link.. 😉


Keep doing hard things!


#26- I Am Second, God is First

So recently, I was struggling with wanting to be in the spotlight. Other people I am very close to were in the spotlight and I was backstage. My mind knew that the feeling of attention I wanted was wrong, but my sinful heart would not submit. I also felt lost, hopelessly lost in the middle. I told myself that I was mundane, normal (you all are like Priscilla, normal? No way!) After talking to my mom and reading scripture I realized that I am second and always will be. And I am loved like crazy by God and others! For goodness sakes, the silly thoughts us humans have! I read Isaiah 43:1-7, what a wonderful passage! God tells us that he loves us, we are honored and precious in his sight and he would give big, mighty Eygpt in exchange for us. Me. You. A whole rich nation in exchange for me?!? That’s right, God never makes junk.


#25- Read Through the Entire Bible

About a year ago I received a Bible reading schedule and a challenge. Two days ago (Saturday, November 29th) I finished the challenge. As you have probably guessed the challenge was to read through the Bible, no time limit, just the hope that I would hide God’s word in my heart. Thanks to the Lord I did. I believe that reading all of the Bible, God’s word to us, is a huge step in your Christian walk. I hope to read through the Bible again this year. My family was such a blessing to me and an encouragement when I finished. Can not wait to see how God will teach and guide me this next year!
