#26- I Am Second, God is First

So recently, I was struggling with wanting to be in the spotlight. Other people I am very close to were in the spotlight and I was backstage. My mind knew that the feeling of attention I wanted was wrong, but my sinful heart would not submit. I also felt lost, hopelessly lost in the middle. I told myself that I was mundane, normal (you all are like Priscilla, normal? No way!) After talking to my mom and reading scripture I realized that I am second and always will be. And I am loved like crazy by God and others! For goodness sakes, the silly thoughts us humans have! I read Isaiah 43:1-7, what a wonderful passage! God tells us that he loves us, we are honored and precious in his sight and he would give big, mighty Eygpt in exchange for us. Me. You. A whole rich nation in exchange for me?!? That’s right, God never makes junk.
