Faith is…???
What is faith? Recently in school I have been doing a word study on the word. I studied the word in the book of Galatians and a Bible dictionary. Here is what I found:
(the book of Galatians)
Faith is…
-how we are justified (Gal. 2:16a,3:11)
-how we live in Christ (Gal. 2:20, 3:11)
-how we are the sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:7)
-a gift (Gal. 3:25-26)
-how we are sons of God (Gal. 3:25-26)
I want to encourage you to look up the verses too.
(the Bible dictionary)
Faith is…
-a confident will toward God
-genuine saving faith is a personal attachment to Christ
-reliance on Christ and commitment to him
-saving faith involves personally depending on the finished work of Christ
-personal commitment of one’s life to follow ghrist
-teachings of the Bible
-true faith is confidence in God or Christ, not in oneself
Let us rejoice at these great truths!